
Showing posts from September, 2011


feelings & emotions are the synonyms of weakness now a days...what really matters is the equilibrium between mind and heart...always the reaction shifts towards the mind because it is exothermic whereas the heart part needs a lot of energy and hence is avoided by the so called dwellers of this utopia..... also the feelings way is one-way or in other words irreversible's impossible to construct a reversible feeling machine where you will get the equal amount of feelings as your input is...this is a perpetual motion machine of third violates the laws of survival...the best part is the efficiency factor...way less than even the basic mechanism, forget about the ideal always get the minimum feelings in return(if u r lucky,otherwise just invest and forget about the returns).... the inversions of the single-way sliding heart mechanism just change the crank or lever arm but 1 thing that is always fixed is the person who really feels something....o...