
Showing posts from November, 2018


Race that never happened After the defeat, the hare thought about this impossible and couldn’t come at terms with the fact that he was defeated by a turtle. It wasn’t the stutter of the turtle that cost him his pride, rather his own sense of entitlement. Why do we keep these two words, “slow” and “steady” together? What positivity does “slow” brings to the table? Isn’t it eulogizing this behavioral attitude which is at the other end of the table as far as present epoch is concerned? That hare can’t even think of sleeping during a race if he was living in the reality. Are we trying to discourage our toddlers, year after year, to give up speed and rather be slow? When we talk about this combination, the lazy bones pick up the slow part and ignore the steady part. Can’t we focus on “Swift” and “Steady”? The present reality is all about speed with accuracy, persistence and generating enough credibility. Where does this fairy tale fit in? When you teach a story, you create a ...