Sometimes we feel lucky about the position we have but the feeling vanishes into thin air when we come to know that the same position is shared by someone else who too feel the same because he don’t know about the position shared by me. The proud feeling of being unique in the circumference of friendship turns into anger when we stand in front of our twins. What they talk about others seems to be repeating with just a difference of the leading character and this time it’s me. When they said, I believed but when they did, I felt.

Making someone special and giving him the position doesn’t guarantee the same there. “NO EXPECTATION ZONE”. This world is such a “no expectation” zone and I crash-landed here. Whenever I expected, I lost some pieces of my shattered heart. But being a human being, it’s inevitable.

I stopped believing in this fake world but then he started winning my confidence in him as well as this world. He told me to move on in the trip of friendship and in the race of survival. I did the same but alas the same incident again.

Why he treated me special when I was not. Why he made me to rely on him when the whole concept was to betray. Why the whole drama of sympathy and emotions when the act was meant to finish a day.

Yes, I sound possessive. I am possessive. I feel something so deep that even the depth of ocean seems to be shallow but ignoring this fact made me as shallow as a cup of tea floating in a china-dish. He knew the fact that I don’t like to share my position but I missed the fact that he never said he will do what I like. It’s my entire fault to think one-way. Why is it not possible to make others feel what I am feeling for others? The dark and gloomy portrait of me as a friend on the walls of friendship and emotions can be seen hanging alone in the silence of emptiness. My patient heart tried to break the walls of silence to flow the tears of feelings around the globe of friendship. It succeeded but I failed……………


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