USE AND THROW Plastic revolutionized the market, everyone knows why. Its ability to be omnipresent at the cheapest possible ways and the most important thing is the least attachments with it. I am speaking about its ability to “be used & thrown”. How pity, it is easily available, no demands, no maintenance, smarter looks but still its destiny ends up into a trash bin with others of its family. Come on buddy stop being insulted every time. Nope, I am incarnated to do so, give a smile and get a life sentence in return. Actually these days only a couple of fools are left so who are plastics (except the ending part, where Mr Plastic really harms environment, I am talking about his other face). There are so many policies which people follow in their life (keep your mind out of LIC & stuff). Some believe in “give & take”, some in “live & let live” , whereas the most famous policy having maximum customers these days are – “USE AND THROW” policy. It really has a ve...