Selfish from the starting of the dawn of my life span till the date my hands realised the need of my mind and will be so till the eyes closes thinking of its deeds done so far knowingly or not. Competing from the millions to come to this globe, was selfish enough for the so called incarnation of my soul. In a family of limited sources, was selfish enough to get to this point in this time. Childhood , the most promising period of the all possible, passed competing the speed of my blinking of infinite,desiring,ambitious & curious set of sparkling eyes. Every single moment passed competing for a good score so as to get a proud look in my parent’s eyes. That’s the part of my so called selfish act. Being good to others, doing the deeds what expected, far from the sheer shadow of so called darkness of evil.  These were the part of my selfish act. Is it so? I think it worked for a while & for a particular sect of people. The world is three-dimensional so every other person visualises a different aspect of others. Whatever I did was just for me, I guess that’s the simple definition of being a selfish identity in this pure world, full of souls having enough credit in their reign to be called as a pure soul.

Adolescence knocked & childhood had a sad exit. I stopped feeling emotions because there was a probability of them over-powering me. What if I spoke loud my feelings & emotions? May be the other can understand or on contrary it seems to be a joke. If they understand, then a strong relationship’s foundation is laid whose future is as uncertain as the life of a newly born. And the other case, if my speech seems to be a joke, then d castle of all expected is blown away producing the similar effects of a nest indulged in a hurricane & hoping against hope for its survival. So to avoid any sort of change in the regular thoughts & patterns of mind, the best way is to keep silence and encage the so called emotions. And hence again my selfish act came to picture.
The selfish act increases with the age & goes to different levels and dimensions as the time passes. Every single moment of life is a competition and the existence of selfish soul proves the sadness of the counterpart.

The final selfish thought that comes to my mind is my departure before watching the same act of the souls that gave way to my existence.

 Every act on this earth is surrounded by the covering of self-benefit if we can visualise. But the truth of this time is that only the presence of this word can make one sad & depressing. So may be today I am not selfish but for others I am always so & will always be.  


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