15TH AUGUST 1947, by the stroke of mid night, India got independence and two centuries of British Rule came to an end. This is what we studied in our history classes, but is this all? I learnt a lot about India in my primary and secondary level education but now I realize I should have questioned the authorities at that time, but then I realize, you can’t question an authority. The British Army, not even them, a small company of The Great Britain came to India and conquered it so easily as if this was a barren land, not supported by any protection to the unwanted malware. Why were we defeated and then ruled against our will? What exactly happened at that moment and what led to the slavery? I don’t know and now I don’t trust any authority to get a genuine answer, so basically I don’t want to know what were the incidences in that era. Even The USA was once a slave but know I don’t need to elaborate what it is. What is the difference between us and them? Forget about past (for a while). Let’s talk about the future. Oops, error 404, file not found.
I can’t see a future.

 Obviously I am not blind. The future doesn’t exist. Sorry for stating this as this may possess a danger to all the horoscope readers whose “future” depends on “future”. Anyways, jokes apart, being the face of young India, why don’t I feel like having a future, for me, my family or my country. Did I mention “my country”? Sorry again, I am still not used to it. Soon will have to be a part of the system working inside the country against the country. I am the youth who is lacking confidence in himself, not because of the lack of talent, but because of the lack of evidence. Evidence of what? Evidence of the fact that why am I supposed to be unemployed in a country full of resources and opportunities, in spite of the fact that I am a degree holder? It’s not just my future which I am talking about, it’s the face of young India. Every year India produces tons of engineers, doctors, bureaucrats, managers and what not, still we are here, crying over the living corpse of a skeleton called country for name sake.
I want to work, I don’t have any. They don’t want to work, they have plenty. I want to develop my country, I can’t. They want to develop themselves, they have the power to do so. There are so many countries on this planet earth, some are rich, some are poor, some are developed, some are developing and some are under developed. My country, India is the pioneer in every single sector of life, but look at her. She is like river Ganga, who can’t cry because still everybody will dispose their sin in her and can’t see even a single drop of tear rolling down her cheeks. I read an article published in German newspaper that now the scenario is so shameless in India that people don’t fear to be exposed. Simple, I got caught for a small scam (by small, I mean lakhs of crores of Indian rupees), I will resign. Janta happy, party happy, and I am always happy.

I am not the first or the single person to be angry upon these shameless politicians who are still playing the part what the British used to play, but I don’t want my anger to die this death.
I am not independent. I am not free. This is not democracy. This is tyranny. Stop it dude, enough of dialogues, go back to sleep, you need to chill out.
I will like to, in fact I will love to blame this generation and the generation before and I don’t think the next generation even need to be included because they will not be even knowing the names of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru or Shukhdev. We are the sole reason of all this. Wherever I went, whichever system I saw, all gone. Go goa gone. Youngsters today are attracted to the foreign land and they don’t care what’s happening in India. We were born slaves and we love slavery. I must say I am scared.

This pseudo secularism, this pseudo democracy, this pseudo governance, this pseudo market policies and this pseudo constitution of India. The copy paste of hundreds of laws and policies, which were never meant to be there for the so called Indians. I listen to some people who talk really well, I get some sense out of their speeches, that sense is called “nonsense”. Whenever I speak about my India, my culture, my traditions and my Hinduism, people surrounding me start feeling uncomfortable and a negative vibe travels to the inner self of mine and I need to stop. Why? I feel like the odd one out. I can’t put forward my thoughts concerning my country, my religion, and my solutions to the present scenario of what is known as a living hell. Why? People like to listen what they like to listen. People like to see what they like to see and people like to do what they like to do. Exactly that’s happening right now. Be it the external affairs or the internal affairs, it just end up being an affair.

I know, people says, if you want to see the change, be the change. But there is a harsh truth, nobody likes the change. Even Newton said it as the first law of motion. Every revolt or revolution felt the blow of suppression. I am a coward, like any other Indian because I don’t have the power or resources to stand for me or my country. I will be the mute spectator as the remaining mass and will see the burning with my eyes closed forever. The education system is so formed that you don’t get to think against the system and eventually you become a part of it. I want to do something, but I know like any other Indian youth I will be busy doing nothing, but running in the never ending marathon to meet my basic needs and eventually sleep forever like any other Indian “old gentlemen”.

No, never, I will not let this happen. Yes, I know, this is going to be the scenario. No, this is my life and I will live it my way, I will do something for my country, be it the smallest contribution, but it will be there, so that I will be satisfied. You know what, this is just the effect of a movie and will eventually die, don’t worry. Chill and go to sleep.
No, not this time. I will, definitely I will.
And the war between reality and will power is won by ……………………..?


  1. War will continue for as long as we will be living as we are today and i see ..... aas the ultimate result.
    Nicely put forth, your words are worth mentioning and needed to be read my nearly all (interested in knowing his/her present obligation and their atitude towards the same). Policy framers and those regulating it are at the helm of everthing that governs us(in fact the whole human race) and its their formemost obligation to actively work for the betterment of end user. For this to happen people need to think of the future, live in future and plan for today to match up the objectives set. But what we have is plathora of paralyzed systems which foscasts itself being most caring, painstaker, responsible towards every goodwill needed to bring to us.

    " I am independent " is big works, at present it needsd lots of homework to clearly feel it(if it exist). In fact for some it is illusive and for others it is elusive.

  2. well said bhai...but what i think is that we are too ignorant to see and make the change.. so whatever is happening to us is what we deserve...

  3. well sorry dude but whatever you just said seems very pessimistic to me...just because of some unscrupulous people you cant overlook the efforts and dedicated hardwork of thousands of people who work day and night for their country....india is a democracy and people being its foundation pillar are solely responsible and answerable for the current scenario.....moreover the situations you stated above to me they appear to be the scenario of the last decade....things are a lot better now...

    1. "things are a lot better"..... what do you mean? do i live in the core of a forest of amazons where i have no access to the present scenario?? dude, get updated about the present "real" scenario...and i am not being pessimistic, i am just worried.. and as far as i know anybody will think about his home and take required action to protect it...
      i guess you couldn't understand the soul of this article as such. this was not intended to offend anyone but to reflect the feelings of a young Indian... did i ever mention that "nobody is doing anything and this country is a total failure in that scenario" ? do i think that i m d only survival of this thought and carrying forward the legacy of revolutionaries of independence era..?
      don't jump to any conclusion superficially, go to the depth of every word and try to feel the real sense of what i really tried to convey.... don't act as an agent to this corrupt government... sorry for those words but you really got me totally wrong.... hope you will read the article with an open mind, the next time.... thanks for your " support"...:)

  4. hey really sorry bro...i did not mean to upset u...but i really dont think that things are that bad......

    1. depends on your definition of "that bad"....
      for me,it's not good and the worst part is that it's not gonna improve sooner or later....


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