Since childhood, I have heard about the Almighty. I always pictured Him someone or something very mighty, very big, immense and obviously larger than life. Once I was thinking about something and suddenly I saw an ant, walking past me in her own thoughts, with her own pace and her own passion for life. I stopped her, blocked her path, changed her trajectory, added a mass upon her, drew a thin line of water in front of her and observed her response. It was not very different from ours, when we face the same thing. All of a sudden, I felt like the mighty image of myself portrait on the canvas of childhood memories. So, how is it? God is someone so huge that we can’t see him? If I am living in one of the colonies of ant, I may never understand the circumference of a single human room, forget about the house or the city or the state or the country or earth or solar system and so on. I guess you understand what I am trying to convey. So, it all seems so relative to me. Nothing in this universe is absolute. The mere definition of absolute needs some parameters to define. Everything is so relative that we can’t imagine the existence of a single entity without the help of anything else. Try defining darkness without knowing the meaning of light. If you can’t, ask a blind person. So, the absence of an entity is the definition of the presence of other. How ironically identical a concept to what may be called as the creation of vacuum in a high density atmosphere.
It’s not just the physical entities which has a relative flavor in itself, think about the abstract feelings. Sadness is just the absence of happiness. A sad person can never define sadness, because he don’t know happiness. Sadness is the only key element he is aware of and hence a wrong definition from the perspective of a sane person understanding the presence and absence of happiness. But again, the frame of reference is different. Sometimes what is happiness for a particular soul tends to be the reason for the gloomy patch on his heart which he has to carry throughout his life. Every time I think of the definition of relative and absolute, I end up admiring the beauty of relative concept over the absolute. But then, there are times when one need to be absolute.
Absolute in his completeness, absolute in his incompleteness, absolute in his compelled form of completeness and absolute in his relative completeness. When the strings are detached, all it remains is a vacant space in heart which is similar to any archaeological site, where people may go often for research but nobody builds a new castle out of the ruins. Everyone needs a new plot to start his story. But sometimes, the older plot remains incomplete and the person needs to jot down his story, either in ink or tears.

Well-knit yarn of circumstances create a perplexed position of dilemma, strong enough to poison the poise of a sane saint of pure soul. The life of an ant made me feel mighty, but when I returned to reality, I was all surrounded by the same mighty mammoth figures of present era. You are always living the life of an ant until u decide to be the mighty yourself. How? 


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