Silver Lining When a person’s actions are based on the quantity of pleasure and pain surrounding it, he becomes “utilitarian”. Thinking about “greatest good for greatest number” becomes the ideal thing to do. Then there are those who think about themselves, self-centric, and the universe revolves around them. Generally they are pleased by the materialistic pleasures and hence can be an example of consumerist or materialistic mindset. There are others who believe in destiny and have a positive vibe about things, no matter how bad the weather gets, they are the optimist and diametrically opposite stands pessimist. There are sophists, realists, hedonists, pluralist and plenty of other heavy words to describe the behavior of a person. Philosophers/ phycologists tend to categorize people over certain key traits and then behave accordingly. There is no right or wrong in it. It’s just the way a person thinks or behaves in a given condition. But is that all? No. There certainly ...