Silver Lining
When a person’s actions are
based on the quantity of pleasure and pain surrounding it, he becomes “utilitarian”.
Thinking about “greatest good for greatest number” becomes the ideal thing to
do. Then there are those who think about themselves, self-centric, and the
universe revolves around them. Generally they are pleased by the materialistic
pleasures and hence can be an example of consumerist or materialistic
mindset. There are others who believe in destiny and have a positive vibe about
things, no matter how bad the weather gets, they are the optimist and
diametrically opposite stands pessimist.
There are sophists, realists,
hedonists, pluralist and plenty of other heavy words to describe the behavior of
a person. Philosophers/ phycologists tend to categorize people over certain key
traits and then behave accordingly. There is no right or wrong in it. It’s just
the way a person thinks or behaves in a given condition.
But is that all? No. There
certainly can be a general pattern but the circumstances play a major role in
how people behave. “Every philosopher is a child of his time.” Similarly,
traits are akin to externalities. There are factors which are beyond my purview
still I am responsible for my behavior. Why?
Human nature is the most
complex creation of Almighty. The audience just sees the performance or the
text and never the context. What happens behind the curtains always remains the
mystery and yet a judgement is passed which will leave a scar forever, adding
to the long list of adversaries these eyes had to see, this heart had to feel
and these tears had to roll for.
Another burden that a happy face
carries is of fulfilling the expectations. Whose? Doesn’t matter, never
defined. Somehow, expectations become a one-way path where your own doesn’t
count and the others weigh a lot. Punching beyond your weight leaves you
exhausted at the end of the road, looking at the infinite ether with a sense of
hollowness and nadir of sorrow depicted in your eyes. So, what to do?
One moment of happiness. Too
much to ask? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes the series of misfortunes and misdeeds
defines the character of yours in the Book of Destiny. Or is it just your perspective
towards life? Why are there so many motivational speakers and quotes, asking
people to keep hoping for the best and be positive?
What’s the ingredient of being
hopeful and being positive in life? Can you experience positivity with every
failing attempts? No. The basic thing you need is a silver lining. There has to
be something to hold onto. There has to be a sense of even a flickering candle
at the end of the tunnel otherwise the darkness reigns. How do we get that
sense of positivity?
I think that’s not the right
question. Because we can’t. That’s why we are asked to focus on our work and
leave the rest on God. But it’s not always possible, especially when you are
not a blind Believer. Then, what can be done?
We all have read the Gandhiji’s
Talisman during our school days and I just picked a leaf out of it. Nobody is
standing at the extremes of the queue of Pleasure and Pain. There will be
someone having more or less of it as compared to you. The best way to cope up
with your pain is to share others and distribute your happiness among others.
There is nothing else you can do. Just keep walking and one day you will reach
where you were intended to. Maybe the journey is not smooth, but it certainly
is a road to walk over. If you want to know life, you have to walk. A stagnant
life is not worth living.
Next time you see a face, try
to bring a smile over it. Who knows that might be the silver lining you were
looking for.
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