Being a lady means a lot in this world. Every single men can be seen in a dire need of a lady whether it be mother,sister,daughter or  life-partner. We have problems in our life but it seems their problem constitutes their life. What is her fault if she looks attractive to your pair of desiring eyes or you like her smile or voice or any other ingredient of her beauty. Why don’t you leave it upon her to decide about her choices and senses? I agree, the whole bunch of confusion is always carried alongside the what-so-ever left quantity of unused brain and that’s why most of the time they fall under illusion of right. A beauty is restricted from being friendly with her male counterpart just because of the hurricane of desires under the core of our manly heart. Who is better at saving the wastage of emotions? A guy or a girl? Don’t  they feel for a guy or it’s just the other way round every time? Most of them already tasted the betrayal and hence arrives a guest at good guy’s door-“BAD LUCK”.
Just think from the lady’s perspective.  She is right. A lady is always right because there always is a fool to make them feel so. Why every time a lady seems to be surrounded by problems even higher in dimensions than her own possible. Why is the way of friendship different for a girl and a guy? Here comes the “UNDERSTANDING” in picture.  What a word! Perfect weapon for a lady. Why every time they are in search of a man who understands everything even which is in the womb of future or in the tomb of past? But we should not expect the girl to understand us. What an unbalanced equation of that Genius. Feelings, emotions et al useless words are such an enemy for a boy as by default there always is a situation of flood or drought of them in our life. Girls have the benefit of artificial dam and canal systems over their emotions.
“He likes her. She likes him. He proposed. She refused. We are better as friends. Why are you interfering so much? Why don’t you help me at the time of trouble? “Perfect example of third degree mental torture for a guy. I strongly recommend an amendment in our LAW. There should be a provision of “LADY TORTURE” for all the terrorists. Mental assault is better because they are not prepared for it.
Just shift your frame of reference to lady. Every single couple of eyes is shifted to you as you pass-by. Every single group of boys have something to say. Every time you travel in public you get magnetised and men are natural iron. Single lady and so many followers. Tough to choose and as I already talked about the decision-making skills of a lady, so you can imagine the level of troubles for a lady.
There always has been something mysterious about these species which no one can unfold and I am just a kid trying to be friendly with this species on the MYSTERY ISLAND because that’s what we are made for, but unfortunately every time the guest knocks and my graph of friendship progress touches the axis once again. May be one day a book from heaven will help me out. Amen.   


  1. u have 2 pay 4 dis......kabhi to hamare favour me bol diya karo...

    1. i don't have 2 pay 4 dis..seriously..i m nt's jst dat ladies are so complex sometym..can't help..;)


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