Once again those days of glory will come, once again people will ask for you, once again you will be in need, just a matter of time, once there was a time when you were asked for and today is the day when someone else is seen for. There is always someone in this world to be looked after for, one just need some talent and the right time to use that talent. A nerd is never asked for help in a drama competition and so is a model for class notes.

There are 3 types of people in this selflessly selfish world- extra ordinary, extra and ordinary.

Extra has no personal favourite, they act according to the mass, ordinary are the people who choose some people to be extra ordinary for some point of time. they always need someone to be ahead them who can make their way easy to walk for a hunt, unfortunately the masses today is of ordinary nature and always need someone extra to have below them in hierarchy and someone above, they liked to be called a sandwich and feel safe this way. Always have someone to rely on and also to bully someone.

Your time is golden, you are asked for, and you are having trouble, no time for you.
Ever thought of the fact why we always need to be compared and in order to stand tall to that comparison we have to do whatever necessary or unnecessary. i thought we need oxygen, water and food to survive and a will. A nerd is always surrounded by the inferior species of class, what a feeling for that spontaneous king of the mindless jungle. He can treat anyone the way he wants.Wait for some time and see his glory when examination is over or there is a new king to be looked forward to, no one even bothers to say hello to the previous king.

 The game of power is not restricted to the dirtiest politics ever seen in the history of either politics or being dirty. Even a small kid can feel the power of power; it’s a different matter that he can’t understand the real meaning of power.

Yes, I admit, I was a rude, proud to myself, confined to myself, the self-proclaimed king of the jungle. I never thought anyone else can match me and I am the only gifted brain of this planet. How childish. I have tasted the success and the failure simultaneously.

 Whenever you are doing excellent in your field, people ignore all your faults and when the wheels are turned against you, you have to ignore people.

I can share a few tips to avoid such a situation. Whenever it's your time, use it to the fullest, nobody knows when you will be in need of at least a penny of luck. Never ignore the fact that there always is someone superior to you. Embrace your defeat and work harder. only hard work can help people come out of this situation, if not then at least he don't have enough time to think and realize such waste of thoughts. Never ever believe your friends about your talent, they always lie.

How it feel to transform slowly from extra ordinary to ordinary and then extra...if there is a way from extra ordinary to extra then there must be a way for the reverse phenomenon, it just need patience, time, hard work and destiny.

There is only a fine layer of dust, one blow and the inner shine is visible... wait for the storm. The dust is not going to be there forever, you can’t seize the inner shine.

 It will shine again, it will rise again, it will glorify itself again, it will get its throne back.

The rise, fall and rise of inner self.


  1. wow, again u hv done ds...a deep n thought provocative piece...keep ur depth high like ds lwys...ds 1 is rlly smthng hard 2 find....:) (shaina)

    ds z quite apreciative, u r doing a grt job 4 people, even frustated one's ll feel relieved n better,..good job, keep it up..:)

    1. thanx again...:)
      it seems u really njoy reading my blogs... that's really something big rolling ol d way into the path of my gud fortune....:)


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